
关於我们 About Us

香港园艺专业学会於2007年成立,旨在提高本地园艺业界及企业雇员的专业水平。 年来透过举办研讨会及工作坊,促进从业员的交流及引进最新的作业方式。 自2010年,本会开托出版丶网上平台及举办公众参与活动加强公众对园艺专业的认受性, 并推动产业发展。

本会使命 Mission

1. 制订并完善适用於本地业界的作业标准及指引
2. 促进本地园艺科学及产业的发展
3. 加强学术界丶园艺专业与公众间的知识转移,并为有志投身园艺专业的人士提供培训及就业配对
4. 作为业界与政府间的沟通平台

本学会组织架构 Structure

会长 President:
朱利民教授 Prof. L.M. Chu
英国利物浦大学生态学系PhD 香港中文大学生物系BSc和MPhil
谷歌学术总引用 5847,H 指数 = 38(12-5-2023)
当选美国斯坦福大学 2022 年世界前 2% 科学家名单中的科学学者(职涯长期影响)

现爲 香港中文大学生命科学学院客座副教授

并爲 香港园艺专业学会会长

PhD in Ecology, University of Liverpool
BSc and MPhil in Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Engaged in teaching and research in universities for over 30 years
Research specialism: Restoration ecology, landscape ecology and urban ecology
Published 196 papers, including 82 internationally refereed papers
Google Scholar total citations 5847, H-index = 38 (12-5-2023)
Science Scholars Listed in 2022 World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University (Career-long impact)
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, CUHK
Fellow, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, CUHK
Senior College Tutor, United College, CUHK
President of the Hong Kong Institute of Horticultural Science
Member, Urban Forestry Advisory Panel, Development Bureau
Member, Appeal Board of the Registration Scheme for Tree Management Personnel, Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section, Development Bureau
Advisor, Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve Advisory Committee, Environmental Association
Advisor, Endeavor Environmental Education Foundation

副会长 Vice-President:
张浩博士 Dr. Allen Zhang
香港中文大学 生物学博士


现爲 香港高等教育科技学院 副教授

并为 香港园艺专业学会 副会长
香港园境及树艺专业学会 学术顾问
康乐及文化事务署南莲园池 咨询委员会顾问
香港职业训练局 专家顾问
香港绿化承办商协会 学术顾问
香港园境师学会 树艺师 外聘顾问

PhD in Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Published more than 40 academic journal papers, covering urban horticulture, urban forestry and urban greening, tree planting and management, landscape ecology, urban ecology etc.

Associate Professor, Technological & Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
Programme Leader of BSc (Hons) in Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management & Professional Certificate Turfgrass Science and Management

Vice President, Hong Kong Institute of Horticultural Science
Academic Advisor, Hong Kong Landscape and Arboriculture Professionals General Union
Advisor, Nan Lian Garden Advisory Board, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Expert, External Relation Office, VTC
Academic Advisor, Hong Kong Greening Contractors Association
External Advisor, Accredited Arboricultural Practitioners (AAP) Scheme, The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects

创会会长兼前会长 Immediate Past President:
李贤𧘲博士 Dr. Lee Yin Tse, Eric
1973-1975:美国哈佛大学之亚特诺树木园之Mercer Fellow(博士後研究)

2009-2014:执行委员 香港职业训练局 园艺行业培训小组
2011-现在:园艺顾问 斜坡树木风险之评估工程(九龙区)
2012-现在:专家小组成员 香港特别行政区政府发展局属下树木管理专家小组
2013-现在:专家小组成员 香港特别行政区政府民政事务局属下康民署香港大球场专家小组
2012-现在:理事 中国草学会草坪专业委员会

Dr Lee obtained his BSc in Biology from CUHK and his PhD from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He was a Mercer Fellow in the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University.

He was the Head Greens Keeper of the Hong Kong Golf Club in 1975-76, the Tracks Manager of the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1976-96, Resident Turf Specialist of INDECO Singapore in 1996-99and Senior Manager (Tracks) of the Singapore Turf Club in 1999-2002, Senior Turf Inspector for ITGAP, University of Georgia, Georgia, USA in 200 -2017. Dr. Lee has been working in the turf industry for the past 40 some years. He was involved in the initial construction and then consultation for the first golf course in China in 1982. He was credited as the first person who introduced the basic concept on turf management in golf course in China, and was labeled the most knowledgeable turf professional in this part of the world by the USGA’s official publication “Turf Management” in 1985.

He is now a senior honorary research fellow in the School of Life Sciences, CUHK. During his tenure as the President of the HKIHS, he served as convener/coordinator for organizing eight seminars on Urban Tree Management, one in Urban Greenings and five on Practical Turf management.

In 2009, he sits in the expert team in consulting the Chief Secretary for writing the report on urban tree management. Soon after the incident in Hong Kong Stadium in 2013, he was invited by the LCSD to sit in the Expert Group for the Hong Kong Stadium and to advise in reconstruction of the Stadium’s Turf Pitch.

In addition, Dr Lee sits in the Expert Panel on Tree Management and also in the Crop Farming Sub-committee of the Advisory Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries under AFCD. He also serves as council member in the China Turfgrass Society since 2012.

前副会长 Immediate Past Vice-President:
锺焰兴先生 Mr. Gregory Y.H. Chung
英国里汀大学 - 作物保护技术学系硕士
国立台湾大学 - 农艺学系学士
现为: 香港园艺专业学会 (执委)
香港园艺学会 (名誉会员)
香港渔农科技促进协会 (执委)
香港北区花鸟虫鱼展览会 (执委)
北区文艺协进会 [园艺委员会] (执委 [顾问)
裕通农艺有限公司 ….. 裕通园艺 (顾问)
凤溪之友 (执委)
香港农业联合会 (委员)
国立台湾大学香港校友会 (荣誉会长)
树艺及园艺业行业培训谘询委员会 (委员)

曾为: 香港园艺专业学会 (前副会长)
动力资源有限公司 ….. 迪士尼度假区 (顾问)
嘉道理农场暨植物园 (总经理)
新界蔬菜产销合作社联合总社 (行政经理)
香港国际主题乐园有限公司 (园艺服务经理)
香港嘉道理农业辅助贷款基金委员会 (执委)
香港有机资源中心 标准委员会 (执委)
香港职业训练局园艺业培训小组 (执委)
广东省风景园林与生态景观协会 (首席顾问)

MSc in Crop Protection Technology , Reading University , England
                        BSc in Agronomy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Hong Kong Institute of Horticultural Science (Executive committee member)
Institute of Horticulture ( Hong Kong ) (Honorary member)
Agriculture and Fisheries Technology Promotion Association (Executive committee member)
Hong Kong Flower, Bird, Insect and Fish Show Committee (Executive committee member)
North District Arts Advancement Association Ltd. (Executive committee member)
First Join Landscape Ltd. (Consultant)
Friends of Fung Kai (Executive committee member)
Federation of Hong Kong Agricultural Association (Committee member)
The Hong Kong Alumni of National Taiwan University          (Hon. President)
Arboriculture &Horticulture Industry Training Advisory Committee    (Committee member)
Past experience:
Hong Kong Institute of Horticultural Science (Vice President)
Dynamic Resource Company Ltd. -- Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (Consultant)
Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Gardens (General Manager)
The Federation of Vegetable Marketing Co-operative Societies (Executive Manager)
Hong Kong International Theme Parks Ltd. (Service Manager)
Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan Fund Committee (Executive committee member)
Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre , Standard Committee (Executive committee member)
The Vocational Training Council , Horticulture training sector (Executive committee member)
Guangdong Landscape Architecture and Ecology Landscape Association (Chief Advisor

司库兼理事 Treasurer & Council Member:
林德泽先生 Mr. T.C. Lam
美国TCIA会员 (M139791)
专业:香港园境师学会认可树艺师 (AA 007)
英国特许园艺学会会员 (MCIHort)
现职:动力资源有限公司董事 (2003-迄今)
并为:香港高等科技教育学院 (THEi) 园艺树艺及园境管理课程兼职导师 (2016-迄今)
香港园艺专业学会理事 (2008-迄今)
香港园境承造商协会理事 (2013-迄今)
香港爱护树木协会理事 (2009-迄今)
志莲净苑园林顾问 (2010-迄今)
香港园境师学会认可树艺师遴选小组委员 (2010-迄今)
职业训练局树艺行业工作詻询委员 (2011-迄今)
梅窝蔬菜产销责任合作社副理事长 (2011-迄今)

BSc in Agronomy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
MSc in Biotechnology Science, China University
Science and Technology, Taiwan
Professional :
Member, Tree Care Industry Association (M139791)
Accredited Arborist, HKILA (AA 007)
Member, Chartered Institute of Horticulture (MCIHort)
Director, Dynamic Source Ltd (2003-Now)
Part-time Instructor, Horticulture and Landscape Management in Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) (2016-Now)
Council Member, Hong Kong Institute of Horticultural Science (2008-Now)
Council Member, Hong Kong Greening Contractor Association (2013-Now)
Council Member, Hong Kong Trees Conservation Association (2009-Now)
Horticultural Consultant, Chi Lin Nunnery (2010-Now)
Vetting Panel, HKILA Accreditation Arborist (2010-Now)
Member, Working Group on Arboriculture Vocational Assessment of VTC (2011-Now)
Vice Chairman, Mui Wo Rural Cooperative of Vegetables Loan and Marketing (2011-Now)

秘书兼理事 Honorary Secretary & Council Member:
黄国梁先生 Mr. Wong Kwok Leung, Edmond
香港政府树木管理人员注册制度之注册树艺师丶树木风险评估员及树木工作监督 (2021起)
国际树木学会注册树艺师 (2011起)
国际树木学会树木风险评估资格 (2014起)
英国LANTRA树木风险评估资格 (2015起)
物业管理人(第1级)牌照 (2021起)
注册专业房屋经理 (2011起)
曾为国际树木学会香港分部秘书兼理事 (2016)

Registered Tree Management Personnel: Arborist, Tree Risk Assessor, Tree Work Supervisor (since 2021)
ISA Certified Arborist (since 2011)
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (since 2014)
British Accredited LANTRA Professional Tree Inspection Qualification (since 2015)
Property Management Practitioner (Tier 1) Licence (since 2021)
Registered Professional Housing Manager (since 2011)
Member of Hong Kong Institute of Housing (since 2011)

Mr. Wong has been working as a Park Manager in a large theme park in Hong Kong since 2006. He is responsible for the management and maintenance of thousands of retained, transplanted and newly planted trees and plants in the park. He is also a Landscape and Arboriculture Manager of a famous property management company, participating in the landscaping management and training of more than 80 private properties. In addition, he also represented his company or HKIHS to attend many academic forums and seminars in the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong to exchange and share experiences on the sustainable development and construction of national parks. In recent years, he has focused on the cultivation and growing technology of low-carbon organic edible mushrooms, hoping to contribute to the national target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. He is also the administrator of HKIHS and a large fungus Facebook page in Hong Kong. He is very active with posts about horticulture, arboriculture, various ecology and mushroom information

理事 Council Member:
黄秉雄先生 Mr. Billy Wong


Educational Qualifications:
BSc. in Agronomy, National Chung Hsing University (R.O.C.)
Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture, University of Sheffield (U.K.)
Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Training and Vocational Education, HKU SPACE

Professional Activities:
Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
Member of Charter Institute of Horticulture (UK)
Accredited Arborist, Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
Lawn Care Manager of National Association of Landscape Professionals (USA)
Founding member and executive council member of Hong Kong Institute of Horticultural Science
Billy has over 35 years of landscape related work in Hong Kong and South East Asia, including landscape architecture planning, design, construction and management. Since he has been engaged in landscape maintenance and management for a long time, he deeply believes that in order to achieve sustainable landscape management, a new bloods have to be trained. In recent years, he has also participated in landscape education work.

理事 Council Member:
郑兆斌先生 Mr. Cheng Shiu Bun, Steward
英国 Arboricultural Association Technician Member

1) 香港绿苑环境美化有限公司树艺师
2) 香港园艺交流基金理事
3) 香港高等教育科技学院兼职树艺导师
4) 香港职业训练局树艺课程导师
5) 香港职业训练局树艺业专业能力评估考官

1) 香港中文大学园艺部主管
2) 香港迪士尼主题公园树艺师
3) ArborGlobal项目经理
4) 香港华安园绿化有限公司项目经理
5) 港澳树木医疗有限公司项目经理

Registered Tree Management Personnel
Arboricultural Association Technician Member
HKILA Accredited Arborist

理事 Council Member:
何建尊先生 Mr. Ho Kin Chuen, John
何建尊先生是一名电力工程师及树木爱好者。 因着业务需要,他在2000年初首次参与香港树艺行业并组建了第一支商业攀树队伍。 他更与本港树艺专业人士联手成立国际树木学会香港分部,向公众宣传和推广树艺行业和技术。 他并热心参与政府及本地多个绿色组织提供城市园林的绿化建议,以提高公众人士对绿化议题的兴趣。

Mr. John Ho is an electrical engineer and a tree lover. Due to business needs, he first participated in the Hong Kong arboriculture industry in early 2000 and formed the first commercial tree climber's team. He also joined hands with local arboriculture professionals to establish the International Society of Arboriculture Hong Kong Chapter to publicize and promote the arboriculture industry and skills to the public. He also enthusiastically participates in the government and various local green organizations to provide greening suggestions for urban forestry to increase public interest in greening issues.

理事 Council Member:
游中骥先生 Mr. Yau Chung Kei

Mr. Yau studied at the National Taiwan University, the Royal Botanic Gardens in the United Kingdom and the Elva May Flower School in the United States. He began researching edible mushrooms in 1968. He published many papers in Hong Kong and foreign academic journals and worked at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.